Dear Valued Patients:
As our world faces great uncertainty due to the spread of COVID-19, we at Hart want to let you know what you can expect from us and what we are doing for our employees, patients, and our communities.
Our first priority is the safety of our teams, their families, and our patients. It takes a healthy team to fulfill our mission and care for our patients.
Safety Measures
- Our team members that work directly with patients have all been supplied with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and have been trained in proper protection protocols. This is already part of our daily lives, but we have reinforced this with our teams in the light of this new threat.
- We have team members working from home where possible to minimize exposure.
- We have staggered shifts for our delivery teams to minimize potential cross exposure.
- We are also disinfecting our public areas every 30 minutes in order to cut down on possible cross contamination, in addition to our normal cleaning protocols.
Social Distancing – Online Ordering
- Not only can you shop online at hartmedical.org, but you can also reach out to our knowledgeable staff via our chat feature. Just go to hartmedical.org, then click on the blue “Chat Now” button. Our staff is ready to help with orders and answer your questions.
- We have adjusted staffing and patient levels in our retail locations to meet the social distancing recommendations.
- Our retail sites have established processes to deliver product curbside, if needed.
Remote Education and New Technology
We have moved up the launch of some of our new programs to meet the challenge. Effective Monday, March 23rd, we are launching a new “live streaming” service, so we can teach people how to use the equipment they have been prescribed (such as CPAPs, glucometers, nebulizers, etc.) We remain completely committed to the principle that even the best equipment is useless if you don’t know how to use it. We want to continue to provide the in-depth teaching we always have, and now allow you the option of training in the safety and convenience of your home.
Product/Service Protocols
We are invoking protocols, so we can continue to provide as many services to existing Hart patients as possible while keeping resources available to assist our health systems’ care for our communities. Although it is in our DNA to care for as many people as possible and say to “yes,” we may need to curtail some discretionary services, restrict some quantities, and limit some deliveries. Please bear with us. Together we will make it through this trying time.
Additionally, we are working closely with our vendors to keep the supply chains open. We are experiencing some product shortages already; however, we are working hard to maintain inventory levels and have contingency plans in place.
The Hart Team remains committed to taking care of our patients and communities. I am very proud of our team’s commitment to do what must be done. We continue to push for ways to serve as many as possible while making sure we can do it in a safe, sustainable way. We thank you for your trust in us and your patience over these next few months. We will get through these difficult circumstances together and are extremely grateful for your understanding and support.
Sincerely, Allen Hunt, President Hart Medical Equipment