Be Prepared for Winter!
Posted On: January 28, 2019 by Hart Medical Equipment in: Company Emergency Emergency Preparedness General Winter

Every piece of equipment brings with it unique needs in emergency situations. As we face another Michigan winter, we want to provide you with some emergency preparedness tips to help you stay safe and healthy during the cold months.
Tip # 1 – Have supplies.
Prepare both your vehicle and your home for winter storms and the power outages those storms may cause. Suggested items include a first aid kit, a flashlight with extra batteries, warm clothing and blankets, medications and medical items (such as contacts or hearing aids), a cell phone and charger, some cash, and food and water. If you use oxygen, make sure you have emergency backup tanks on hand at all times so you can switch to them if the power goes out. For printable emergency preparedness checklists, visit
Tip # 2 – Have a plan.
Don’t wait until the storm hits to determine what your next steps will be. Be proactive and work out arrangements ahead of the storm to minimize its impact on your life. Know where your emergency supplies are. Know what special considerations you need to take due to your specific medical needs, and have an agreement with a family member or friend to head to their house when yours loses power. If you have pets and/or other family members in the home, don’t forget to include them in your plan.
Tip # 3 – Know how to contact Hart.
Our main phone number is 888-606-8778. You can also “Live Chat" via our website at Post this on your fridge, tuck it into your wallet, or save it in your cell phone – whatever you need to do to make sure you know how to reach us in case of an equipment-related emergency. If you are in respiratory distress or having some other type of medical emergency, call 911.