Most Common Questions About Ostomy – Answered!
Posted On: September 21, 2022 by Hart Medical Equipment in: Ostomy

Ostomies can be a difficult topic to understand and talk about. The topic of ostomy may bring many questions and concerns about what it really is and what comes along with it. Being informed is a great first step to understanding this topic if you or a loved one is managing life with an ostomy. We are going to share with you a few of the most common questions about ostomy and give you the answers that you have been looking for!
What is an ostomy?
An ostomy will create a change in the way urine and stool exit the body. Urine and stool exiting the body will be rerouted as a result of surgery. An ostomy can be temporary or permanent. Another important term to know is “stoma”. A stoma is the opening that was created by ostomy surgery and usually, a pouch is worn over the stoma for the collection of stool and urine. Although the pouch or ostomy bag is common, it isn’t always necessary.
What causes a person to need an ostomy?
There are multiple different reasons why someone would need an ostomy. A few of those reasons are cancer, birth defects, diverticulitis, incontinence, inflammatory bowel disease, pelvic or abdominal trauma and injuries.
Can you get in the water?
Yes, individuals with an ostomy can still shower and go swimming! An ostomy has a waterproof barrier and there are products available to make your ostomy more waterproof.
How will an ostomy affect everyday activities?
After you have healed from surgery, you should be able to go back to doing your everyday life and the activities that you used to do. An ostomy doesn’t mean that your life stops, you usually can go back to work and people living with an ostomy still do activities like biking, yard work, playing with their children, and many others.
What kind of clothes can you wear with an ostomy?
After an ostomy, you can still wear what you like to wear and changing your entire wardrobe isn’t necessary. The biggest thing to help conceal your ostomy bag is to know what to wear underneath. Wearing things like Spanx, spandex, and high-waisted underwear can help keep the ostomy bag close to you and difficult for others to see. Adding in darker clothing and remembering to bring an extra jacket just in case will be extremely helpful!
Overall, the topic of ostomy comes with many questions and concerns, which is completely understandable. Learning a new way of living your everyday life can be a challenge but asking questions and getting the right answers can help make the process easier. The most important thing to remember is that things in your everyday life may look different and finding your new normal takes time. Patience is key and it is always a great idea to contact your doctor if you have any specific questions!
Hart offers a multitude of ostomy supplies to help you along the way. View our catalog and feel free to contact us if you can’t find something you’re looking for.